Monday, 20 June 2011

Granny Squares... and Crochet Cushions...

 So... I promised that I would get back to you on what we were going to do with these colourful 

Handmade by Jennifer@daffodils&snowdrops

A lot more squares later and this is the final result... A gorgeous handmade cushion, complete with crochet flowers...

Whats great about crochet is that you can pick up where you left off at any free moment... Whilst you watch TV, sitting in the garden on a sunny day or even on the train home from work... 

The best bit is the feeling you get when you have finished your project... Holding your own crafted item in your hands and knowing a lot of thought and love has gone into making it...

Pride of place on the bed alongside my other cushions...

We are keen to do more crocheting projects, so please let me know your thoughts on this one and leave a comment!...

If you are interested in teaching yourself 
check out this link and give it a go...


  1. Love it! I've never tried crochet - is it easier or harder than knitting?

  2. Thanks! Crochet may be a little easier than knitting... its certainly more relaxing using one hook instead of two needles... You should give it a try!

  3. Very pretty I love the flower detail

  4. Whats the make of the yarn you've used for this? Its beautiful!x


I really enjoy hearing your thoughts so why not leave a comment... I love reading them...

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