Wednesday 15 June 2011

Mollie Makes...

It seems I have gone crazy for the new magazine 'Mollie Makes' 
as my twitter followers may have noticed... 
Mollie Makes is a new magazine which celebrates craft and all things handmade... 
The magazine is packed so full of colourful and enticing pages, that you will find it hard to put down... Bringing you all the latest news on handmade, along with do-it-yourself projects... I cant wait to get started on the strawberry pin cushion...
Take a look at 'Mollie Makes... a little film' to give you a better idea of what i am talking about...
Issue 2 is out now in the shops and can be found at WHSmiths, Sainsbury’s, Asda and a selection of other supermarkets and newsagents...

Sadly, i just missed out on issue 1... I have been trawling the Internet to find a copy but unfortunately they are nowhere to be found... If anyone could help me on this, or would even like to donate me their secondhand copy of Mollie Makes issue1 please contact me at or leave a comment any ideas will be greatly received...

Check out the Mollie Makes web page...


  1. You can get issue 1 as an ebook from their website. I did!

  2. Thanks... I will have a look! Although i do prefer to read the printed version, there is something very satisfying about holding the brightly coloured magazine in your hands and flicking through pages...

  3. There are a few copies on ebay just now.

    I have just ordered my copy of issue one a couple of days ago from one of the stockists listed on the mollie makes website. I had to phone quite a few until I found a's worth a try if you have the time! :)

    I know what you mean about having the printed copy to flick through, it's never the same on of the reasons I dont own a kindle!

    Good luck with your search :)

  4. Hi, Thank you for your message... I think I'll ring around see what i find!! :)

  5. I agree this is the best crafting magazine yet - I have this issue but no sign of the second in my local Sainsbury yet!

  6. Yes its great...Try your local Wh Smiths thats where I got mine and they had loads of issue 2...


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