Saturday, 13 August 2011

Mollie Makes... Issue 1...

As you might remember from my last Mollie Makes post... I missed out on issue 1...

I asked you, my fantastic blog readers, to leave a comment if you had any ideas where I could get my hands on one, or even if someone would like to donate me their copy of Mollie Makes issue1... I received some great ideas and thoughts from you all on where to get my own copy... but unfortunately I could still not find a paper copy of the mag...

Image - from Mollie Makes magazine

Then... a lovely lady called Elizabeth, living in America contacted me and said she had a copy of Mollie Makes issue1 that she would be happy to donate to me!...

Image of Paula Mills home tour page - from Mollie Makes magazine

 One of Elizabeth's favorite sections in Mollie Makes issue1 is the 'Paula Mills (Lovely Sweet William) home tour'... she especially loved the hand made heart cushion on page 43...
However Elizabeth had been unsuccessful in contacting 'Lovely Sweet William' to order a cushion of her own...

Image of Lovely Sweet William, handmade heart cushion - from Mollie Makes magazine

 I helped to put Elizabeth in touch with Shelley Gardner (the other half of Lovely Sweet William, working together with Paula Mills) who makes the fantastic heart cushions...
Together the crafty pair draw, blog and create beautiful items for their online shop...
Check out 'Lovely Sweet William' on Etsy...

I would like to say a big thank you to Elizabeth who kindly donated me her copy of Mollie Makes issue1... I absolutely love it!... I hope you managed to successfully order your 'handmade heart cushion' from 'Lovely Sweet William'...

Check out Mollie Makes at

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