Thursday 7 June 2012

Secret Garden...

With the weather picking up... we have finally got round to prettifying our little garden...

Using an vintage metal bucket... we filled it with these gorgeous blue flowers to give the garden a fresh look...

If you fancy trying this remember to drill some holes in the bottom of your bucket for drainage...

I'm sure I will be posting more of our garden pictures as the weather gets better! :) I hope...


  1. We have lavender growing in our buckets! Yours looks so so pretty!
    Victoria xx

    1. Thanks Victoria.. We had lavender growing in ours last year! :)

  2. Your flowers look really pretty. Here the weather is being absolutely appalling. My three only peonies buds took forever to bloom and now are at the risk of having their petals being blown off by the strong winds. :( xx

    1. The weather is a bit on and off here too really!..
      Hopefully it will get better soon and save our gardens :)


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