Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Picture Perfect...

Image by my Namık
I love this delicately beautiful floral photograph taken by my lovely husband Namık on a recent little relaxing break of ours...

I had a short break from blogging last week... however I am now well and truly back!.. So keep an eye on the blog for some new and exciting posts...
Em x

If you have an image that you would like to feature on 'Picture Perfect' please contact me at daffodilsandsnowdrops@gmail.com ... 
Attaching your image and a little bit of info...


  1. That is really a gorgeous picture. xx

  2. I kept meaning to take pics of the awesome blossom on the trees this year - the trees in our neighbourhood seemed overloeaded with it this year. Great pic, thanks for sharing. :o)

  3. Such a pretty picture!
    Victoria xx

  4. Thank you ladies for all your lovely comments!.. Im sure my husband will be very happy you like it! :)


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