Friday 13 January 2012

Happy Birthday To Me...

 This Wednesday I celebrated my 28th Birthday... 
Yes... another year and another year older...

I had a lovely day... and received some gorgeous birthday gifts...
...including these three lovely books...

Cute & Easy Crochet -  Nicki Trench

I have had my eye on this little crochet book for a while... so was really pleased when my lovely husband surprised me with it on my birthday...
35 different crochet patterns... cant wait to get started!.. I think ill have a go at the crochet bunting first...

Dottie Angel - Tif Fussell

My great friends at work gave me the 'Dottie Angel, The Suitcase Series' book...
As you can probably imagine, I was a bit over excited when I opened my gift :) 

I love the ramblings of Tif Fussell on her Dottie Angel blog... So this was a perfect gift...

The Great British Bake Off - Linda Collister

...and last but not least...
My brilliant parents bought me 'The Great British Bake Off' cookery book... 

...and what a fantastic book it is... packed full of different recipies and each page beautifully illustrated...
I have already made the delicious Victoria sponge cake!...

These books are so brilliant that they definitely deserve their own individual blog posts... 
So keep an eye on the blog!..

Thank you to my husband, parents, sister, grandparents and friends for the lovely cards and gifts they gave me!.. I had a great day!..


  1. Happy birthday for Wednesday!!!!

    Those books look fantastic! I would be excited too!!

    I hope you had a great day!


  2. Thanks Jeany, had a lovely day :) x

  3. Fab presents! So strange to learn that your 28, I've just turned 29 and when we were doing the swap I always imagined you older than me, we were definitely a good match!! :-)

    I hope you enjoy your gifts. I know I really like the crochet book "Cute & Easy Crochet". Best Wishes :)

  5. Belated Happy Birthday, sounds like you had a lovely day x

  6. Happy birthday Em, you had some lovely gifts.I am always thrilled to receive books.The Mary Berry book is great, I have tried the apple and walnut cake and it is to die for!!

  7. Happy Birthday! 28 - so young! but makes me realise that we first met 10 years ago! sorry to miss you over xmas - was hectic with the move. would love to catch up soon though xx

  8. Thanks girls for the messages :)
    Had a lovely Birthday. Sitting down with my books now having a good read :) x

  9. Thanks maddy, wow 10 years! can't believe it, seems like just the other day when we were at college :) Hope your move went well, would be great to catch up! xx

  10. Happy belated birthday, gorgeous books, I love the cute and easy crochet book I pour over it again and again! I would love the dottie angel book it's on my wishlist.
    Kandi x

  11. Happy got some great books ...nice how everyone knew just what to get you LOL! xx

  12. Hello Em,
    I've just discovered your gorgeous blog (via Sew Ray Me). You're clearly a very talented lady, and I love the look and feel of your posts!!! I'll definitely be back again.....
    Happy birthday, by the way!!!

  13. Oh you lucky duck- what fab books. Happy birthday- it's mine on tuesday, a fellow Capricorn. Wish I was 28 though (I'll be 32, sob!) x

  14. Thank you girls for all your lovely comments :) Kandi, I've heard a lot of good reviews about the crochet book, can't wait to get started, just need to buy some lovely new yarns...

    Taylor Made, Thanks to my blog I think I'm quite easy to buy for now :) haha

    Mother of purl, Happy birthday in advance for tuesday! 32 is not much older :)

    and nice to meet you Carly, gorgeousssss blog!


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